Many of us are standing in the doorway of 2021 hoping for a year that provides more calm, more security, more laughter and joy. The truth may be, same as it has been throughout the course of history, that life on this planet will continue to evolve in ways we’ve never seen and the very best that we can do for ourselves and one another is to evolve and innovate the ways in which we love, share, connect, and care for one another.
Time and experience have cured us of resolutions that only make room for positive emotions and outcomes. Instead, we’re spending this year searching and highlighting ways we can bring the many facets of our lives into better balance. We thought long and hard about how we could hack this period of extended isolation from some of our favorite people, places, and things for the betterment of ourselves and possibly the world around us.
We decided that 2021 is the year to go in.
2021 is the year of collective self-retreat. It’s time we got to know ourselves better than we ever have before. In a time that’s uncertain and wild, it’s important to ground and connect to the core of what makes us us. 2021 is the year of intentional self-discovery and connection to who you really are. While the world spins and is in a constant state of flux, we are committing ourselves to the study of the Art of Unbotheredness and unconditional self-love.
The world-changing power of our connection to one another can not be understated. We need each other now more than ever. But we need ourselves, too. We need to believe in our ability to do good and support fights for better outcomes for people of all experiences. And we need to bring the best self we can to that fight. We don’t have the healthcare and support we deserve during these times, but we can discover the things that recharge us and set us free.

2021 is about the hunt for free or nearly free mental health care resources.
2021 is about nailing down our favorite ice cream flavor (for real).
2021 is for curating music playlists for an epic solo dance party.
2021 is for discovering how we cope with disappointment and grief.
2021 is about real connection to who we fundamentally are and shedding the person we have been told we have to be.
2021 is about being as unbothered as humanly possible.
2021 is for you. It’s time to go in.
Let’s embark on this adventure of deeper self-discovery together! We’ll be chronicling what we find online here on the blog and across all social media and we want you to join in.