Over the last few months, many people have started to collect house plants (or have expanded on the collections that they already have). After all, we’ve all been spending a lot more time indoors; and have been using some of that time to redecorate, mixing in a bit of greenery around the place.
But while they’re absolutely gorgeous, they can be tough to take care of if you don’t have a green thumb, which is why many people have been turning to informative plant apps for help.
Whether you’re looking to keep from accidentally starving your snake plant or you want to help your flamingo flower flourish, we’ve rounded up three apps that will (hopefully) help you keep your plants alive and healthy.

With more than thousands of species of plants in their database, Gardenia is perfect for those who are looking for something that is not only easy to use, but gets straight to the point. It has absolutely everything you have to know, and to set up basic plant care reminders.
Once you’ve added a plant to your list, you’ll get a glimpse into basic information about it and its needs. This includes the preferred amount of water; the minimum temperature it needs for survival; when it will bloom; what kind of soil it needs; and the level of sun exposure it needs.
The app, which is available on iOS and Android, takes things a step further by letting you set reminders for a number of plant-related tasks. Not just when you need to water it, or when it needs to be fertilized. There’s a handy wheel that lets you schedule reminders for other tasks like repotting, pesticides and harvesting — or you can add a custom notification.

SmartPlant’s database has 20,000 different plants. So, whether you’re looking for your next leafy friend or you want to find out more about the plant you just brought home, you’ll definitely learn a lot. If you’re looking to find out more, the app also has plants experts available 24/7; ready to answer any questions you might have.
There are multiple tiers available within the app, which is available for iOS and Android. Under the free one, you can get care and reminders for up to three of your plants, as well as the opportunity to identify one plant a month and ask the experts one question a month. You’ll also get some insight into their recommendations, as well as trending plants.
If you want to go more in-depth, premium versions of the app let you chat more often with the experts. You’ll also get unlimited care and watering reminders; so it all depends on how many leafy friends you’ve got through your home.

Whether you’re green-fingered or a new plant parent, Vera can pretty much do it all to help you along your plant-filled journey.
Once you’ve added your plant to the list and set up the water and/or fertilization schedules, you’ll get a little more insight into your plant. The app will set up the reminders, before going into a bit more information about the kind of care your plant prefers; including the level of light it needs, how much water it needs and what temperature it will thrive in.
There’s also a learning section, which includes handy tips and tricks (like the telltale signs of overwatered plants) as well as some recipes and DIY tricks.
Are you using any plant apps to take care of the ones you have at home?
Header: Huy Phan