Pay Your Rent and Other Ways to Support Indigenous People Around the World
By listening directly to Indigenous groups about what they want and need, we can support their communities as directly as possible.
By listening directly to Indigenous groups about what they want and need, we can support their communities as directly as possible.
Seasonal affective disorder can come creeping in and loosen the grip you’ve had on keeping it all together. Managing the big factors that can contribute to seasonal affective disorder can help make a hard time a little bit easier.
The Black Woman’s Lament™ is a song that’s been wailed from the fringes of society for generations. Luckily, my community saves me every single day.
Fans consume music like popcorn, but unlike the mindless consumption of a salty snack, there’s an expectation that the work from our favorite musicians to be high caliber and better than the last record. It’s a big ask and it’s no surprise artists resist it when they can.
The world feels like it’s on fire, and quite frankly, we’re all tired. Jazi even had her bike stolen.
People of color are not limited edition and shouldn’t be treated as such. Companies have shown that they can make inclusive color ranges happen, which should be the norm and not the exception.
Travel around the world absorbing as much art, science, and culture as you can stand from the comfort of your sofa; and the only cost is an internet connection!
With all that is going on and more that has yet to happen, we ask that you do your best to help keep yourself and your communities healthy.
Life has a lot of hard places to navigate through, with the ebb and flow of uncertainty being a natural part of it; but there’s still room to enjoy it.
Halloween is here and it’s time to celebrate! We’ve rounded up a few things that will help get you into the spirit (if you haven’t already!), and will keep it going until well after the spookiest day on the calendar is over.