There are many ways to enjoy travel and exploring this world, and if you do so respectfully, while paying attention to the general society around you, then you’re likely to engage in both those activities well.
But it’s also true that exploring the world could be considered one of the “largest” activities anyone could do, in terms of demand, financial cost, planning, and remaining spontaneous. No office job project or creative effort really compares to getting out there and seeing what the world is all about, even if everything has its place and its time. Outside of heading up to the International Space Station or visiting Mars, there’s hardly a better way to feed that adventurer’s spirit.
To remain a great adventurer, however, it’s wise to consider learning some vital skills. After all, none of us can predict what kind of experience the world will throw at us, and this unpredictability grows when you’re in foreign lands, soaking in new cultures, and residing in areas you’re unused to.

Navigation Techniques
Not all of us are skilled in orienteering, and that’s absolutely fine. But it’s important to note that when we’re abroad , we can’t always rely on our GPS systems either. Being able to track landmarks in your mind can be great if walking into a city you’re unsure of, using the sun’s position in the sky as a marker for you to find your correct route, or even just being mindful to stick to the nature trail can all be essential.
Navigation techniques are not about pretending you’re going to unearth a lost tomb like Indiana Jones or Lara Croft, but that you have a generally safe bearing of where you are, and where you want to go next. Learning to read maps outside of GPS apps can feel like a lost art, but having an A-Z handy for wherever you go is key.
First Aid & Emergency Response
It’s important to note that when you’re out in the world, you may be a little further from general medical care than you had assumed. Not every country has a world-beating medical system, moreover, your insurance might not cover you or preclude you access to certain treatments. For this reason, learning basic first aid can help you in emergency situations, and for anything else you can’t be served for, you can return home to get checked out.
By learning CPR near me you could potentially save one of your travel companions, or even just a person undergoing a medical emergency in front of you. Getting out into the world heightens our chance of experiencing these kinds of difficulties, and so being prepared is worthwhile. Who knows/ Taking a course now could help you save a life later on. It’s hard to think of a better outcome than that.
Food Safety Standards
One of the most wonderful reasons for exploring the world is that there’s barely a culture on earth without at least one dish worth trying. Exploring this planet through your taste buds is hardly strange, after all, animals and humans have been partaking in this effort since our earliest days as multi-celled organisms.
Yet it’s also important to note that, much like in your own country, not all food safety standards (or enforcement) are alike. It’s why many recommend avoiding ice-making machines in foreign countries because the general stereotype is that they’re rarely cleaned (the truth is, this can be the case in any country). But be mindful of purchasing street food from just anyone.
Check to see if your meat is cooked. If you’re unsure, opt for vegetarian options when abroad. This could prevent you from getting sick and suffering the consequences of prolonged illness, both of which will obviously ruin your trip.
Knot Tying & Rope Handling
Do you need to learn knots if you’re not a sailor? What about using ropes? Well, you may have been on a dozen adventures in the past and may not have required either. It’s not like you’re tying a knapsack to your back, shimmying down a rope in an international heist of a Swiss bank, or getting into survivalist situations on the regular.
But these skills can be very helpful when needed. Even being able to secure a loose top box with luggage using a self-contained set of ropes can help you keep people safe on the road. Maybe you intend to hike a difficult route – a little rope can help secure you in place, help navigate, or even let you hang fish you may have caught during a camping expedition. They’re minor skills, but worth investing in for the variety of purposes they serve.
Wildlife Identification & Behavior
You don’t have to run into the midst of the wilderness to come face to face with wildlife, and sometimes, it’s more dangerous than you had assumed. For example, in the United Kingdom rabies is largely gone, but in the United States, a bite from a fox or a raccoon will require a vaccine to make certain you won’t suffer from it.
Moreover, it’s wise to plan around the wildlife if going to certain areas. If you’re heading to a calm Canadian village, for example, then the chance of seeing a bear isn’t zero, and carrying bear spray in national parks in the US is also considered wise. Remember that California has many mountain lions, and sometimes, hikers come across them. Always refer to the local tourist board and take any recommendations to heart. It could help you avoid undue danger.
Understanding Berries, Mushrooms & Wild Foods
The conventional wisdom is that if you don’t know what that wild snack is, don’t eat it. After all, a mushroom could be a delicious addition to any meal, a heady experience (to put it politely), or lethal in the wrong context.
The same goes for berries, nuts, and other wild foods you may eat. Making sure you understand what each does, how to identify them (Google Lens or a dedicated book from the area), and how to trust your instincts to avoid certain options can be essential.
If you’re at all unsure, don’t partake at all. It’s unlikely you’ll be in an emergency situation unless your plans have gone very wrong. But knowing this can also help you teach your companions, especially children, how to avoid those issues.
Leave No Trace Principles
The idea of “leaving no trace” is very important, because it teaches you to leave a space, any space, as you have found it. That means tidying up after your long-used campsite, making sure you don’t even stop off at the side of the road without picking up your litter or making sure you don’t impact the local environment too much.
In some cases, this can extend to your conduct in different spaces. For example, we often feel outraged when a clueless tourist causes damage to an amazing piece of heritage, such as those who climb up the Pyramid’s steps, or those who damage a piece of ancient architecture. In some cases, there may be laws and criminal damage against doing that, and this in itself is a problem.
Leaving no trace allows you to move through many societies with care, as most often giving respect will grant you respect in turn.
With this advice, we hope you can learn some vital skills as a keen and intrepid explorer. Be sure to pass them down among your group, and have fun!
Header: Holly Mandarich
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