The accessories you usually carry can say a lot about who you are, including your bag. Unless you’re carrying a high-end designer piece that not many people have, there’s always a chance that you might run into someone who has the same bag as you. For many, that doesn’t matter — but if you prefer to stand out with a touch of your own style, you can absolutely turn your regular handbag into something that no one else has. Adding features to your items is one method of exploring your personal taste. After all, dressing for yourself will never go out of style. Here are a handful of ways to easily personalize your handbag from items you can buy to DIY!
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Easy Ways to Show Some Personality with Your Bag
Decorative Tags
Tags aren’t just a cute way to personalize your handbag, they can also help you quickly identify your bag, especially if you’re in a place where bags have to be stored. You can buy some real leather tags online, or you can make your own from recycled fabrics or cuts (you don’t need much).
For those who don’t want to stitch, glue, or worry about bag damage, a scarf is your number one option. It also provides an opportunity to change your bag as you please. You can wrap a scarf around the handles to instantly change the look, or you can simply tie it in a knot at the base of a handle. For bags without a handle, you can create one if your scarf is long enough — just remember that when you’re opening it!
This might not work for every piece, but if you love the look of a patchwork pocket or knee patch, you’ll likely enjoy having it on one of your bags. You don’t even need to wait until your bag is threadbare or damaged; you can add a patch any time you like. There are a couple of options: You can get an iron-on patch or DIY one with needle and thread to add a little patchwork detail wherever you like. This works better on soft materials like hobo bags than it does with harder-formed leather bags, but the possibilities are pretty endless.
Studs, Pearls, and Other Embellishments
If you have a really plain bag, you can scour the catwalk to see what is coming into fashion and create your own version. A couture piece made by you, for you! Almost all embellishments can be added and are relatively sturdy just by using fabric glue, but in some cases — like pearls — it’s a good idea to stitch them onto the material.
If you have time, you can make tassels yourself; if not, you can buy them ready-made on the internet. Tassels add a really fun element to bags, and they lean into the boho theme and style with ease. What’s more, is that they can add texture to a bag that might otherwise look or feel quite plain. You don’t need to add lots of tassels; even on the zip, it looks cool and is easy to replace if it falls off.
Header: Tamara Bellis